Category: Blog

6 months of hackney impact

Six inspiring months of Hackney Impact

We’re celebrating six months since the launch of Hackney Impact. In October last year, we joined forces with a number of local organisations, all united to foster growth and prosperity within Hackney’s vibrant business community.

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Allia Neurodiversity impact accelerator

Learn about our Diversity & Disability Inclusion Accelerator

Allia’s next Impact Accelerator is designed for impact start-ups that are creating solutions around neurodiversity and physical disability. These could be tech solutions or social innovations that address challenges experienced by people living with disabilities (such as software/hardware assistive technologies for neurodiverse conditions or mobility impairment, sensory impaired disorder, chronic pain, etc).

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Homeless over the winter

Allia Future Homes homelessness appeal blog

While this time of year tends to be associated with joy, fun and warm and cosy gatherings around the festive tree for a lot of people, we know that this certainly isn’t the case for all, with winter posing a particular threat to those who don’t have a roof over their heads.

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