Can you help Londoners access quality employment? Be part of the solution!
Allia is working in partnership with the Greater London Authority (GLA) to deliver its No Wrong Door initiative which aims to assist Londoners in finding meaningful employment. The partners are seeking individuals and organisations who are passionate, creative and committed and have a solution that can help address this need. Successful applicants will receive support in the form of expert guidance to help bring their idea to life – and seed funding of up to £50,000 is up for grabs for founders to further test and scale their venture.
No Wrong Door is an initiative that helps bring together employment and skills providers, funders and other public services in London – all focused on the aim to make it easier for Londoners to access high-quality support for their employment and skills needs. According to research by non-profit The Young Foundation in 2023, challenges within the skills and employment system currently hinder Londoners from accessing decent employment support and highlighted that they face a range of challenges trying to secure good work1.
The programme specifically supports solutions for priority groups:
- Young Londoners (16 – 24 years old)
- Londoners with Special Educational Needs
- Londoners 50 years of age and over
- Londoners from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic backgrounds
- Disabled Londoners and/or Londoners with long-term significant health conditions
- Londoners with experience of the criminal justice system
- Londoners earning below London Living Wage
- Londoners from a migrant or refugee background
Allia and GLA are looking for innovators that can facilitate stronger connections between businesses, the skills and employment systems and individuals in these priority groups. The key criteria that the new solutions need to display include being a novel and innovative idea; having a sustainable delivery model; scalability; impact; a willingness for the venture to collaborate with all stakeholders – as well as innovators who may have first-hand experience of the skills and employment sector.
Martin Clark, CEO of Allia Impact, who is thrilled to work with the GLA, expressed:
Allia Impact is delighted to be chosen to deliver London’s No Wrong Door Challenge because we passionately share the same goals – to create dynamic social impact businesses that target the most urgent challenges of our time. We all want to see the support for Londoners to get and stay in good work to be improved, and we are confident that the city’s social innovators will embrace this through the programme, so we can’t wait to get started and help create the change we all want to see.”
Learn more about No Wrong Door at an online Info Session on Tuesday 9 April, 2-3pm – and apply by Thursday 18 April online here. For more information, please email or visit
No Wrong Door: How an integrated employment and skills system can support Londoners