Clarity booking T&Cs

Welcome to Allia Future Business Centre in Cambridge. 

Please read the Terms & Conditions below before making your meeting room/event space booking.

Email our Cambridge centre teams if you have any questions.

Allia future business centre Cambridge Campus and Cambridge Guildhall

Terms & Conditions

THE CONTRACT                                                                                                                                                              1. Your contract is with us, Allia Ltd, registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefit
Societies Act 2014 (No. 28861R) and recognised by HMRC as a charity (XR29468).
2. In these terms, “conference” means the conference or other event for which you want to hire the
venue, “conference package” means the services and/or facilities relating to your conference which
we agree to provide to you, “venue” means the conference, seminar or meeting rooms where your
conference is agreed to be held, and “working day” means a day other than a Saturday, Sunday or
public holiday in England when banks in London are closed for business.
3. We may agree to you making a provisional booking with us, but this is not legally binding on
either you or us unless and until a contract is formed in accordance with paragraphs 4 and 5.
4. If you want to make a firm booking with us, you should sign and return the booking form as soon
as possible and pay the relevant deposit.
5. A legally binding contract is only formed between you and us when we accept your unaltered
signed booking form. No booking contract shall be binding on us and no contract shall be formed
unless and until we do so.                                                                                                                                                    YOUR CONFERENCE PACKAGE
6. The general content of your conference package shall be as set out in the booking form, or as
otherwise subsequently agreed with us in writing. We may finalise certain details of your
conference package (for example, the times of refreshment breaks and exact times for meals) with
you in the period leading up to your conference.
7. If, after our contract with you is formed, you ask us to provide additional services or
facilities of a kind that we normally provide, we will try to do so, but we cannot guarantee that
we will be able to meet your request.
8. By entering into a contract with us, you accept responsibility for paying all charges due to us
under the contract.
9. Subject to paragraphs 10 and 11, our charges for the conference package will be as set out in
the booking form.
10. If not all components of the charges in the booking form are stated to be fixed (for example,
because they depend on the number of delegates for whom catering is being provided), the final
charges will be determined either in accordance with the booking form (for example, the charge “per
head” for meals) or as otherwise agreed with us (for example, if there are any extra services or
facilities not set out in the booking form which we subsequently agree at our discretion to provide
to you).
11. You must confirm final catering numbers no later than 3 working days prior to the conference.
12. If your conference date is scheduled more than 1 year after the date of our confirmation of
booking, we reserve the right to increase the charges for your conference package by up to 5% for
each complete period of 12 months between these two dates.
13. Unless stated otherwise, all charges are exclusive of VAT which (if applicable) you must also
pay us at the standard rate applicable at the date of your conference.
14. For non-FBC Tenant bookings a payment of 50% of the total cost of the booking is payable at the
time of booking. Payment can be made by credit/ debit card or BACS. Note, the reservation is not
confirmed until the deposit payment has been made. FBC Tenants will be billed at the end of the
month in line along with their other services as normal.
15. An invoice for the balance of the booking will be issued on the conference date and should be
paid within 14 days. Payments may be made by any method shown on our booking form (or as otherwise
notified to you).
16. If you fail to pay our invoice in full by the due date, we may charge interest to you on the
overdue amount at the rate of 4% a year above the base rate of Co- operative Bank from time to
time. This interest shall accrue on a daily basis from the due date until the date of actual
payment of the overdue amount, whether before or after judgment. You must pay us interest together
with the overdue amount. You may also be unable to book further services with us until all arrears
as settled in full.                                                                                                                                                                          17. If you are based outside the UK, we reserve the right at any time to require a guarantee of
payment from a bank within the UK, by such date as we may notify to you.
18. We reserve the right at any time to carry out a credit check on you. If, as a result of
carrying out the credit check, we believe that you may not be able to pay all of the charges due to
us under the contract, we reserve the right to require you to pay some or all of the charges in
advance of your conference, by such date as we may notify to you.
19. Please ensure that we are informed of any special requirements of delegates (for example
relating to any disability which may impede their ability to evacuate the venue in an emergency) at
the time you make your booking application, or if this is not possible then as soon as possible
20. You must provide us, by the dates we may reasonably request of you, with any further
information we ask for regarding your conference (for example, the names of delegates).
21. Unless we agree otherwise, only food and drinks supplied by us may be consumed at the venue or
within our other premises.
22. You must comply with, and ensure that your delegates comply with, all of our reasonable
instructions relating to health, safety and security.
23. You must not, and you must ensure that your delegates do not, cause a nuisance to anyone using
or visiting our premises, which includes going into other areas of our premises which we may have
hired to others. We reserve the right to require any person who causes such a nuisance to vacate
our premises immediately.
24. You must vacate the venue at the scheduled end of your conference and you must leave, and must
ensure that your delegates leave, the venue in a clean and tidy condition.
25. If you want to cancel or postpone a confirmed booking for your conference, or to reduce the
number of delegates for whom you have agreed to pay any charges on a “per head” basis, you must do
so in writing and the provisions in paragraphs 26 to 29 inclusive will apply. If you do not notify
us in writing of any cancellation, postponement or reduction, you must for the avoidance of doubt
pay all our charges for your conference package in full, even if not all services and/or facilities
are used.                                                                                                                                                                                      26. Depending on when you cancel, postpone or reduce the numbers, the charges you must pay shall be
determined by reference to the table below:                                                                                                                            a) Cancellations and Postponements
I. Up to 2 months notice – deposit refunded in full
II. Between 2 months and 7 working days notice – loss of 50% deposit
III. 6 working days or less notice – up to 100 % of total charges for conference package                                                  b) Reductions in number of delegates
I. Less than 3 days – up to 90% of “per head” charges in respect of numbers being reduced
27. The reduction charges will not apply if final numbers are not being reduced to below 90% of
those originally booked, provided you notify us of this reduction at least 3 working days before
the scheduled first day of the conference. Please note that if you are reducing the number of
delegates for whom you have agreed to pay any charges on a “per head” basis, you will still be
liable to pay in full any charges that are not expressed on a “per head” basis. For example, you
will still be liable to pay any meeting room or equipment hire charges in full.                                                                  28. We will invoice you for the final cancellation, postponement or reduction charges once we know
whether or not we have been able to mitigate our losses by “re-selling” (as applicable) the venue
and/or other applicable facilities/services, and you must pay our invoice within 7 working days of
the date of invoice.
29. If you have made an advance payment to us towards the charges for the conference package, the
sums held by us may be set off against the cancellation, postponement or reduction charge(s)
referred to above.
30. We reserve the right to cancel your booking without liability to you if:
a) you do not pay us any requested advance payment by the time required of you; or
b) we do not receive any requested bank guarantee by the time required of you; or
c) we discover that you have deliberately concealed information, or deliberately given us incorrect
information, about your intended conference in circumstances where (if you had not done so) we would
not have accepted your booking; or
d) we have reasonable grounds to believe that your behaviour or that of your delegates is likely to
result in damage to our premises or property and/or injury to people.
31. If we cancel your booking under paragraph 30, you must pay us any losses and costs we suffer
because of the cancellation which were reasonably foreseeable to both you and us when the contract
was entered into, whether or not we are able to resell the date. Depending on when we cancel, the
cancellation charges you must pay will be the same as those set out in the table (cancellations and
postponements) under paragraph 26 above.
32. Except as set out in this paragraph 32, we shall not be liable or responsible for any failure
to perform, or delay in performance of, any of our obligations under our contract with you that is
caused by events outside our reasonable control (such as serious damage to the venue, serious
adverse weather conditions, a pandemic or epidemic, or interruption or failure of utility services
such as electric power, gas or water). In these circumstances, we shall use every effort to notify
you as soon as is reasonably practical. If, as a result of such events, we believe we have no
alternative but to cancel your booking, we shall use reasonable endeavours to help you find an
alternative venue of a similar standard for a similar price but our sole liability to you shall be
to refund you any money you have paid in advance towards your conference package.
33. Subject to paragraph 34, our total liability to you for any loss you suffer will be limited to
the total amount of money payable to us for your conference package. We will not be liable for any
losses which were not reasonably foreseeable to both you and us when the contract was entered into
or for any losses that were not caused by any breach of contract or breach of statutory duty or
negligence on our part.
34. Nothing in these terms excludes or limits in any way our liability for death or personal injury
caused by negligence, or for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation, or for any other matter for
which it would be illegal or unlawful for us to exclude or limit (or attempt to exclude or limit)
our liability.
35. You agree to compensate us in full for any and all losses and liabilities we incur or suffer as
a result of injury to any person or damage to any property caused by you or any of your delegates.
We strongly advise you to make sure that you are fully insured against all such losses and
36. We will use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that no components of your conference package
have to be altered. However, we reserve the right to make changes to certain components if this is
necessary to comply with safety requirements or other changes in law or relevant codes of practice,
or to make other minor changes which we reasonably believe will not be to the detriment of your
conference and which will not increase the charges payable.
37. We will notify you of any significant changes covered by paragraph 34, but unless the change is
one which materially affects the nature of your conference package we will not offer a refund,
costs or compensation.
38. Smoking is not permitted in the venue or any of our other premises.                                                              ANIMALS
39. We regret that, other than guide dogs, hearing dogs and other assistance dogs, no pets or other
animals are allowed in the venue or any of our other premises.
40. We may at your request and at our sole discretion arrange for a service to be provided for your
benefit by another person or organisation. However, any resulting contract will be between you and
the person or organisation providing the service, and you are responsible for paying their charges
directly. We accept no responsibility for their performance of the service and you should take up
any complaints with them directly.
41. We reserve the right not to allow onto our premises any third parties supplying services to you
in connection with your conference who do not meet our requirements intended to ensure the safety
and welfare of property and people at the venue.
42. We reserve the right to access, and you agree to permit our staff, authorised representatives
and contractors to access the venue at all times.
43. Any error or omission in any information or document issued by us shall be subject to
correction provided that the correction does not materially affect the contract.
44. You may not transfer any of your rights or obligations under the contract to another person or
organisation without our prior written consent, which we will not withhold unreasonably. We can
transfer all or any of our rights and obligations under the contract to another organisation, but
this will not affect your rights under these terms.
45. If any court or competent authority decides that any of the provisions of these terms are
invalid, unlawful or unenforceable to any extent, the term will, to that extent only, be severed
from the remaining terms, which will continue to be valid to the fullest extent permitted by law.
46. No person who is not a party to our contract with you shall have any rights under or in
connection with it.
47. All written communications by you to us must be sent by post to Allia Ltd, Future Business
Centre, King’s Hedges Road, Cambridge, CB4 2HY or by e-mail to
(or to such other address that we may notify to you). We may send written communications to you at
either the e-mail or postal address you give us.
48. These terms shall be governed by English law and shall be subject to the non-exclusive
jurisdiction of the English courts.

Allia Future Business Centres Ltd is a subsidiary of Allia Ltd of the same address. Allia Ltd is
registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 (No. 28861R) and
recognised by HMRC as a charity (XR29468).

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Allia Future Business Centres Ltd and Allia Impact Ltd are subsidiaries of Allia Ltd, which is registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 (No. 28861R) and recognised by HMRC as a charity (XR29468)